Our family will become your family.
So, what have you got to risk, quite literally and pun intended, give us an opportunity to service you and make your life easier?
Unfortunately, data breaches and other cyber crimes are becoming way too common. Cyber insurance can cover you as an individual or your business as an entity. A recent study reported that ‘human element’ plays a part in 85% of cyber security breaches, your business can be compromised by just one well-crafted and well-researched phishing email landing in an employee’s inbox. Choose strong passwords, change them frequently, lock your device when not in use as get cyber insurance cover to ensure you aren’t taking any unnecessary risks.
We take the time to get to know you, and understand your needs with the best service we know how to offer as well as a wide range of insurance products with various insurers to satisfy your needs. We believe our employees’ service will show you why our tagline is “real insurance by real people”. Even though we are able to save you digits, you are not just a digit to us.
HRA Insurance Brokers exists to put excellent service and passion back in Insurance, and while we don’t believe we are the ones who will change the world, together we can start a positive movement, towards a mutually beneficial outlook, when it come to you and your insurance policy.
Think of your personal insurance premium as purchasing peace of mind, being able to have the knowledge that your home, vehicles and personal belongings are covered by experts that have the knowledge to ensure you are looked after.
As a business owner, commercial insurance is an important investment you must make for your company. After all, your assets are either the product of years of hard work and dedication or the reason you gain more assets and clients.
So, what have you got to risk, quite literally and pun intended, give us an opportunity to service you and make your life easier?
You take out insurance for those what if moments, what if you had a personal broker looking out for your best interests?
We take the time to get to know you, and understand
your needs with the best service we know how to offer as well as a wide range of insurance products with various insurers to satisfy your needs.
+27 13 243 1995
96 13th street Menlo Park
HRA Brokers is a licenced and registered FSP. Company Reg. No. 2006/018645/07 FSP4904. All rights reserved.
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